Gordon raphael.
Gordon is the most succesfull producer and engineer of our family, father of transporterraum nyc and the silver transporterraum london. producing the strokes, skin, regina spector and super 700, he´s pushing the transporterraum philosophy into world wide hit lists. he also regularly writes articles at rockfeedback.com
The discography at the bottom of this page is only an excerpt of his work. For more information click on the link below.
Date. Artist. Release. Label. Medium.
9999 * legend *
2014 moses schneider the alternative workbook — or how to pimp your practice room transporterraum songs ebook
2011 moses schneider das etwas andere handbuch transporterraum songs book
2008 warren suicide run run shitkatapult single
2006 susie van der meer eyes on me blowpipe cd
2006 mamasweed electric zeppelin mkzwo cd,lp
2005 spitting off tall buildings spitting off tall buildings agr/sanctuary cd,lp
2005 gods of blitz stolen horse four music cd
2004 beatsteaks smacksmash epitaph/wea cd,lp
2003 susie van der meer luciferin freispiel/lassomusic cd
2002 gordon raphael top hits volume 1 more protein cd
2001 stone the crow year of the crow polydor/universal cd